Apple's Find My Friends App Catches Cheating Wife


Want to know if your spouse is cheating on you? In that location's an app for that.

As soon arsenic it was announced, pre-orders for the iPhone 4S were nothing short of insane; shoppers managed to snatch up the entire supply of the phones for every carrier that sells the sound. However, one man is o'er the mope the telephone for a altogether different reason: The iPhone 4S helped him catch his wife.

According to user "ThomasMetz" on the MacRumors forums, he was suspicious about how happy his marriage real was. Basically, he wasn't entirely positive his wife was staying firm. So, when he bought her an iPhone 4S, atomic number 2 installed the Find My Friends app along her phone without her knowledge. You can realise where this is loss.

According to ThomasMetz:

"I got my wife a new 4S and loaded dormy find my friends without her knowing. She told me she was at her friends house in the east hamlet. I've had suspicions about her meeting this guy World Health Organization live uptown. Lo and behold, Find my Friends has her right there."

After confirming that his wife had lied to him about her location, he snagged the enclosed screenshots and mentioned that he and his lady wouldn't be a couple for much thirster:

"Give thanks you Apple, thank you App Store, thank you completely. These beautiful treasure trove of screen shots going to play well when I meet her a$$ at the lawyer's government agency in a hardly a weeks."

Supposedly, the man's wife doesn't sleep with that her conserve knows almost her infidelity. Honestly, I'm not sure enough who's more in the erroneous here, since some parties violated each other's combine. I can almost guarantee that ThomasMetz's wife won't permit anyone touch her phone from nowadays happening, though.

Source: cnet


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